Friday, March 2, 2012

drawing again

So, I was telling Joelene today that I kind of let the medium I use dictate the style of my art. Paint is fluid, and when I paint I become a little more fluid myself. Pen and pencil are much more precise, so I become more precise. Because of this, my pencil drawings reflect a bit more of my perfectionism and the real everyday things I think are beautiful. When I paint, it is much more imagination and feeling.
The thing is... I haven't drawn in a long time. I'm not even sure where this "30 drawings in 30 days" idea came from because I have been much more preoccupied with crafting/painting lately. Anyway, It's been interesting. I feel like I am learning my craft again... figuring out how to hold a pencil again, and how to make a decent line. I guess it has been A LOT longer than I thought. The first 2 days were admittedly awkward. Since then I have been reaching into the recesses of my brain and beginning to remember the tools and tricks I used to know. Somewhere back in there I have stored away the methods to properly angle lines and make things proportionate. The hardest thing, though? I am fighting my old tendency to start detailing when I haven't got everything placed right. Gahhhh! It's so aggravating. You know, I think most people are actually pretty good with details. A good artist, though, gets everything laid out right before they dive into the details, because if they don't, they end up with a bunch of horribly proportioned details in the wrong place and it all just looks lame. I think that's actually one of my biggest flaws. I tend to do that with a lot of things. I focus in on one little detail of life and try to work it all out and get it just right, and then I step back and realize that it all has to be erased because the stupid thing was in the wrong spot. *sigh* What am I talking about? Priorities maybe? Oy. Somedays it seems like I have 100 priority #1's and I try to start plowing through them all and I realize that they were all more like #3 or 4 and I really should have been at work over in this other spot instead. Anyone else? :)
Well, anyhow, I have 2 more days of drawings till the first week will be posted. I'm glad I am using the time after all the babies are tucked in bed to challenge myself artistically. It's frustrating at times, but it is better, I think, than just submitting to the call of netflix and disengaging my brain every night.

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