Monday, March 5, 2012

The first week - Plus one

Here they are... The first 8 pictures of my 30 day challenge. I feel like I am getting into the groove again. I am making lines in my head all the time now and examining everything... EVERYTHING... as if I would be drawing it.  I'm trying to not go easy on myself too. I let myself get reacquainted with my pencil the first couple days and then it was down to business. I'm trying people in awkward positions (see day 7) because the human body is weird and beautiful and complicated and it is difficult to accurately capture it in strange positions. And, I am trying people who are recognizable (day 8) because then I have to really study them. What is it about Audrey's face that makes it Audrey? Maybe I didn't quite get her, maybe her eyes are too big and something is just a little off about her nose... but somewhere around the corner of her mouth I added a shadow, and all of a sudden she was there. That is Audrey. I found a tiny piece of her at least. Anyway, enjoy! If you have any suggestions for subject matter I am ready to consider them. 
If you want to see them better (I can't get the bird to not be sideways) go to my FB art page: Pam Fraley's Art. 

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