Monday, March 12, 2012

Pushing through

      This drawing thing is kicking my butt. I would probably help if I didn't wait till the last part of the day to do it, but I have to focus on it so much that I don't really try when the babies are awake. I'm glad I decided to challenge myself though. I think I needed this. I have posted a few pictures that I don't like - and I've decided it's good for me. I like perfection and I am not perfect. It's just good to let it be what it is,  let other people see the things I'm not proud of, you know? Its ok to walk out the door every now and then with messy hair - I did that yesterday. Post some pictures you aren't uber proud of. It's good for you. And, it's kinda anti-climactic too. I'm all a mess because I'm putting up a drawing that is "just one big flaw" and everyone is like, "Wow, that's cool." My conversations with Scott about his music make much more sense now...

Me: Wow. That was really good.
Him: Really? The whole set?
Me: Yea. It was awesome.
Him: You noticed when I hit the wrong note the second time through the 3d song - on that one part, though?
Me: Whaa? No.
Him: You didn't hear that?! It was pretty obvious.
Me: Shaking my head, trying to remember anything vaguely wrong. And... nothing. Nope.

      Another thing -  I find myself having to work through problems. I have never committed to showing people a finished product on a daily basis, so now when I start something and it starts looking wrong, I just have to figure it out. What I normally do is just get frustrated and rip that page out of my book... It's actually boosting my confidence. Imagine that. I don't give up in frustration because I have to post a picture and, so far, this ridiculous thing is all I've got. I just need to look harder, see better and figure it out. It is not easy. Our eyes play tricks on us. When you draw, you have to see past that. I think it was my high school art teacher who always said, "Draw what you see, not what you know is there." I know she has five fingers on that hand, but I can only see 2 and a bit of one other - so that's what I need to draw. There are little square shingles all over that roof, but because of the way the light hits, I can't see them all. We see shadows here and there... hints of things that we know are there and our mind fills in the rest. It is hard to draw like that. I'm working on it though. Anyway, here's the next set...

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