Wednesday, February 29, 2012

30 days

How do the months get away from me?
Well, I am embarking on a new experiment in art. 30 drawings in 30 days. Big or small, good or bad, I will be faithful to do them. I will also faithfully post them (*cringe*) on my facebook art page. And, hopefully I will get a bit of myself back in the process. Don't get me wrong. I love to express myself in my house and in the things I bake. I love braiding bread. I love making the cookies that take 2 days and ridiculous amounts of time and finesse. I like making the cream puffs by hand, from scratch. I do. I will admit it. But, I love, more than all of those forms of self-expression, a nice quiet spot with a pencil and a blank piece of paper. Even when I am less than satisfied with the things I try to capture, I like what it takes for me to do it. My art teacher in high school said that artists are observers more than anything. To look at something close and careful and long enough to draw it takes patience and a sense of wonder. It teaches you to see the beauty in things like pepper shakers, wrinkles, flecks of color in an eye... Things become more beautiful when you take the time to draw and I haven't taken time in too long. So, that is what I am doing. My lines may be a bit timid at first, but I am diving back in because I want to SEE better. I will let you all know how it turns out.


  1. "You go girl!" I started the same idea with music in January and the results have been encouraging.
    I find I'm thinking more creatively in every area of life, and loving the results. But I'm most 'proud' of posting the bad attempts to my blog. It's a little death to self each time, but it's proof that I'm serious about the creative process. Please post your pix and links so we can comment and encourage.

  2. Thank you for the encouragement. It is more of a challenge than I thought it would be... and in more ways than I thought it would be too. I'm glad I decided to do it though. :)
