Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saturday Morning

       The sun is up (of course this time of year it doesn't really go down). My husband made coffee. (He makes the best coffee.) The babies are playing outside. And I am looking forward... Forward to the bowl of Bob's Red Mill cereal I will eat in a minute...

       Forward to a day of potential walks on the beach today and music in the house. Forward to cuddling my babies. I'm looking forward to... whatever is next. And, I am excited to be blogging again. Whether I am any good at it or not, writing is like breathing for me. I write in my head all day anyway, but getting it down "on paper" or "on blog" is a bit more releasing. My ambition of the moment is to learn to use my camera so my blogs are filled with pictures as well as words. We'll see how that goes.


  1. I love the Bob's Red Mill products, too! And when I found out what Bob did it made me want to buy them even more. When he turned 81, he turned over his shares of the company (rather than selling it for millions) to his employees, because, he says, THEY are what makes the company so great. Isn't that wonderful?

  2. Ha! Yea. I admit that I have a bit of an addiction to buying the little Bob's red mill packages. They are so fun. And, yes the company is amazing. I didn't know that about Bob, though. Makes me like them even more.
