Saturday, July 16, 2011

Addicted to Potential...

        One of my favorite bloggers asked her readers the other day, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Somehow I don't think I will ever have a final answer to this question. I am very bent in the creative way. Around every corner I seem to find new things to get me all stirred up with a fresh set of dreams. I walk into one of those pretty trinkety stores and my mind starts buzzing, trying to figure out how to recreate what I see. I clean out my roll-top desk, find a long lost thread and the next thing I know I am researching embroidery stitches all over again. Every door I walk through seems to open up others.

        My husband asked me the other day (while devouring his second piece of fresh, sweet, dark, whole wheat bread) if I thought I would be the same person I am today if I hadn't wandered off with him to this crazy little Alaskan fishing town to raise babies. My answer? I am creatively adaptive. That is who I am. I don't think I would be different just... what I do. For instance, had I not been here I may not have ever thought twice about learning to grow my own potatoes, or grind my own flour for bread. I may not have painted a mural in my girls bedroom or made a ridiculous fool of myself trying to learn the art of splitting wood by hand. (This is actually not as easy as it looks and apparently takes a great deal more arm strength than I currently possess.) Put me somewhere new and I will find new passions and projects there. I am addicted to potential and just about bursting with ambition. I currently want to try my hand at raising chickens, but move me to New Zealand and I would probably want sheep... I drive myself positively crazy with ideas sometimes. And, while I am busy trying to learn new things, every now and then I stumble upon something I am actually decent at.  What will I be when I grow up?  Well, Yesterday I was a rather terrible log splitter, Today I was a baker and, surprisingly, a blogger, and Tomorrow? Well, since I am in the process of once again reorganizing my roll-top desk, who knows what I will want to be tomorrow.

        I am a wife and a mother... the rest is always changing.

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