Saturday, January 12, 2013

I can’t stop

Scott asked me yesterday if I was nesting and I responded with a very defensive and hurt sounding, “No!” (Meaning,  of course, “Yes”) He just laughed at me. It’s about that time and he knows it.  We’ve been through it four times already. Eight months pregnant and I go crazy. It’s like I get a different set of eyes. My house is probably cleaner and more organized than it has been in a year and I can’t see it.  I know that on any normal day if my house looked the way it does right now, I would be super happy and feel extremely accomplished. Not today. It just looks like one giant mess and a never ending “to do” list. 
Me cleaning tonight was like the, “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” thing - the weird pregnant version.
I told myself after the babies went to bed that I would do one or two things and then sit and relax. I believed in myself too. I really did. Yea, it didn’t happen. I did a quick clean of the kids bathroom and then put a load of laundry in and noticed that I had a dry load to fold. Did that quickly and thought I was just about done. But, as I was taking clean towels down to the kitchen, I remembered I wanted to vacuum the furniture. Just one more thing... I went back upstairs and grabbed the vacuum, noticing on the way down that the picture frames needed dusting (made mental note). Picked up the toys downstairs, took apart and vacuumed the chairs, couches and the rug. Fabreezed it all with the antimicrobal Fabreeze - just to get it extra clean. Noticed the floor needed sweeping. Swept. Noticed the floor needed mopping. Mopped. Noticed the cupboards needed wiping down. Wiped the cupboards down. Happened to see that the base trim needed scrubbing. Was horrified to discover I cant reach the base trim and breathe at the same time. Felt like sweeping again. Swept. Put the last dish or two in the dishwasher, wiped down the counters, noticed that the stove needed cleaning. Removed burner covers, cleaned stove. Noticed dusty appliances, wiped them all down. Noticed the fridge was looking a bit dirty, wiped it down... resisted the urge to open it and start on the shelves...
At this point, Scott, who had left for a bit to load a truck for a Saturday job, came home. The second he walked in the door, He said “Wow” and gave me that, “You are nesting and you know it” look. 
Me,“I can’t stop.”
Him, “Yea, I knew it when I asked you yesterday...even though you said you weren’t” 
It just looks so filthy to me. I pretty much know that I won’t be satisfied with it unless we move everything out, sanitize it all and move it all back in, cleaned, organized and clutter free... which isn’t going to happen. Its a good thing we are going up the road for the day tomorrow or I would be scrubbing walls and starting on the touch up paint. I’ll get to it eventually. I have gotten at least that far with every pregnancy. What can you do? I’m a crazy person. I don’t do the weird food in the middle of the night thing. I don’t get mean with my husband or do many of the other stereotypical pregnant things... But I seem to make up for it all in NESTING. At least it’s only a few more weeks.
I finally did get to bed. I grabbed the dirty towels from my escapades downstairs and brought them up to the laundry (stopping only to dust the picture frames I mentioned before) and then collapsed on a heating pad with my computer to write about my insanity. *sigh* There just aren’t enough clorox wipes, dust rags, magic erasers, or vacuum hose extensions in the world to satisfy me today. 

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